Category Archives: limited edition

WHENWATCH Combat Series Clock Design-Mechanical

WHENWATCH战斗系列时钟: 设计理念: 战斗机仪表盘是监控飞机关键参数的核心,确保飞行的安全性和效率。 [...]

Cassette tape clock

Turn on the cassette player , retro music flowing from the rotating spools silently (the second hand be designed as the spools of the tape). [...]


The sun gives life and time to the earth, and light gives time in visible form. ALL BLACK TIME CLOCK pointers and scales express different t [...]

ww-时来运转计时器 good fortune time clock-fu,lu,xi expresses people’s best wishes

时来运转-WHENWATCH時來運轉計時器 中国有个成语叫“时来运转”意思时机来了,命运也有转机, 情境有了 [...]

kung fu time clock video

kung fu time clock video you can see here: [...]

the solar system clock restores the moving status of three stars

Time is the most mysterious thing on earth. Time exists because the earth revolves around the sun and the moon revolves around the earth. Th [...]

Kungfu Time clock published on famous designboom

Kungfu Time clock published on famous designboom this wall clock shows time with a kung fu fighter’s limbs, by WHENWATCH     [...]


3light 在结构线构成的昏暗空间里 三根白色半透明指针 如同时间的三束光 指明过去现在将来   [...]


有时候真想变成一头猪,差不多就行;该吃吃,该睡睡,无拘无束,想多肥就多肥,完全不需要时间这个 [...]

DISNEY TIME | whenwatch Disney edition design

DISNEY TIME | whenwatch Disney edition design 白款为三个圆盘形指针(从上到下,从左至右分别为秒针,分针与时针 [...]
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