Category Archives: Classic watch

WHENWATCH Combat Series Clock Design-Mechanical

WHENWATCH战斗系列时钟: 设计理念: 战斗机仪表盘是监控飞机关键参数的核心,确保飞行的安全性和效率。 [...]

No rush/ Take your time Clock

No rush/ Take your time Clock 大部分人的生活时间非常相似:早上上班上学(早上6点到9点),下班以后吃饭洗澡 [...]

Cassette tape clock

Turn on the cassette player , retro music flowing from the rotating spools silently (the second hand be designed as the spools of the tape). [...]


The sun gives life and time to the earth, and light gives time in visible form. ALL BLACK TIME CLOCK pointers and scales express different t [...]

whenwatch-piss time clock

whenwatch-piss time clock the dial is a young, free sway, the dotted line is the parabolic trajectory(minute), and the solid line is clockwi [...]

whenwatch-darkstar |暗黑星空

本款是暗黑星空腕表Dark Star:你是什么星座,射手?双鱼?金牛?无论什么也好,如果你痴迷着星座,那 [...]

whenwatch-time stopping |时间停止-那一刻我们的爱让时间停止

本款是时间停止腕表Stop time:一天中总有那么些时间是你想消失的,比如说中午12点(午餐时间),比如说 [...]

whenwatch-piss interesting|小便乐趣 腕表 《余罪》同款

Piss interesting The dial is a young, free sway. The dotted line is the parabolic trajectory (minute), and the solid line is clockwise. The [...]
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